Non-Monogamy Rocks!

Resources for Non-Monogamy: Support Groups, Online Communities, and Other Helpful Websites

As non-monogamous relationships become more visible, finding resources and support is becoming increasingly important. Luckily, there are plenty of online communities, support groups, and websites to help guide individuals through their non-monogamous journeys. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most helpful resources available.

One of the most well-known online communities for non-monogamy is Reddit’s /r/polyamory community. With over 300,000 members, this forum provides a safe space for people to ask questions, seek advice, and share their experiences. Similarly, the “Non-Monogamy” subreddit offers a broad range of topics related to non-monogamy, including advice, relationship dynamics, and personal stories.

Another helpful resource is the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF), a non-profit organization that aims to protect freedom of sexual expression and promote consent and privacy in alternative sexual lifestyles. Their website offers a wealth of information on topics such as polyamory, swinging, and kink, as well as legal resources for those navigating non-traditional relationships.

For those seeking in-person support, the Meetup app offers a variety of non-monogamy groups. These groups may vary in size and focus, but they provide an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and build a supportive community. Additionally, many major cities have local non-monogamy communities that host events, workshops, and discussion groups.

The Multiamory podcast is another valuable resource for non-monogamous individuals. Hosted by a trio of experienced non-monogamous individuals, the podcast covers a wide range of topics related to non-monogamy, including communication, jealousy, and ethical dilemmas. They also provide a variety of resources, including coaching and workshops.

Finally, the Open Love 101 website is a great resource for those new to non-monogamy. The site offers articles, videos, and resources on a range of topics related to non-monogamy, including communication strategies, dating tips, and navigating jealousy. They also offer online courses and coaching for those seeking a more personalized approach.