Non-Monogamy Rocks!

Research on Non-Monogamy: Current Studies and Findings on Relationship Dynamics and Effects

Polyamory, swinging, and other forms of consensual non-monogamy are becoming more visible in popular culture and society, yet research on these relationship styles is still limited. However, there are some studies that have explored the dynamics and effects of non-monogamous relationships.

One study found that people in consensual non-monogamous relationships reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction and lower levels of jealousy compared to those in monogamous relationships. The study also found that communication and negotiation skills were more important in non-monogamous relationships, as partners had to navigate multiple relationships and boundaries.

Another study examined the impact of consensual non-monogamy on mental health and found that people in non-monogamous relationships reported lower levels of anxiety and depression compared to those in monogamous relationships. However, this study also found that stigma and discrimination against non-monogamy can have negative effects on mental health.

There is also research on the experiences of children in non-monogamous families. One study found that children raised in polyamorous families reported similar levels of well-being and relationship satisfaction as those raised in monogamous families. However, the study also found that children in non-monogamous families may face unique challenges related to social stigma and discrimination.

Overall, research on non-monogamous relationships is still limited, but the studies that have been conducted suggest that consensual non-monogamy can have positive effects on relationship satisfaction and mental health. However, stigma and discrimination against non-monogamy can have negative effects on individuals and families.